May 23Liked by The Brothers Krynn

Kings of The Universe indeed, and Queens of Eternity might I add.

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Hahahaha fair, but I was celebrating the fact that Father’s Day will be around the corner soon. The Queens had their day (several of them) in May.

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May 23Liked by The Brothers Krynn

Oh yes! I’d say my father is a true King in that case.

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Hahaha yeah, mine was too, good dads’ deserve more attention and love. They truly sacrifice and suffer in different ways from mothers (not saying one is better or anything), but they don’t always get the appreciation they deserve.

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May 23Liked by The Brothers Krynn

Yes. Finally someone who acknowledges the struggles of mothers and fathers. They are different sure, but equally as tedious and annoying.

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Yep, which is also why more should aspire to motherhood and fatherhood as they are the ultimate human expression of love and faith.

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May 23Liked by The Brothers Krynn

Exactly, nothing is more satisfying than seeing your child grow up.

The eras if you will, or phases of their life as they change and grow.

Even parents change and grow after having kids.

Learning from them as kids learn from their parents.

Life is beautiful, especially after the parents grow old together and their children’s lives come full circle. ⭕️

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May 23Liked by The Brothers Krynn


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May 23Liked by The Brothers Krynn

I will endevour to write another piece soon :D It is time for the next article in my Tropes and Archetypes series.

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May 22Liked by The Brothers Krynn

Thank you for the high praise. I never though of myself as a painter of scenes.

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Hahahaha anytime

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Thanks for the mention as always!

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