Jul 11·edited Jul 12Liked by The Brothers Krynn

I hold to my ethics: respect for individual/property rights. But yes, I would hold to my pledge since that pledge would never be given for something I could not support fully and with all my heart.

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Woe unto the person who breaks an oath. We have a long history if distrusting such persons, while history rewards those who held true to their oaths even unto death.

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Agreed, one need only look to French history; arguably Napoleon failed due to his slipperiness, and then there was Philippe VI & Jehan II who were prone to breaking their oaths and their promises. In turn though, Louis XIII and St-Louis are fondly remembered and were two of the greatest French Rois, both having kept their words.

I knew you’d get it Nick! I mean your story seems to echo this very essay’s pov, I hope you don’t mind my being presumptuous.

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Very much part of my story.

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Called it! We Celts hold oaths in high regard, breaking them historically has never gone well in Franco-Scotto-Irish history.

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Clan MacLeod descendant here.

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Awesome, and I do believe you told me before about your awesome heritage.

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deletedJul 11Liked by The Brothers Krynn
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Merci glad you approve

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