This is the motivation most heroes have, regardless of what form they take.

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Very true

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Great note. We forget that we see ourselves and serve God in the weak; that act building up Christendom. The strength of it, spiritually, morally, and physically - is something that captures our imaginations to this day. Anyone that denies that simply hasn't seen enough art, architecture, or read the great epics that came from it.

And, having lacking that, the fail to realize even the humble farmer's life is an epic - to him. One which will echo and be sung in the halls of heaven for all eternity.

We get to participate in that epic and song every time we help each other.

Or become the villain as we destroy each other.

What tales will we weave?

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Well said mon ami, could not agree more

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Growing up, I used to really like Justinian, but as I got older and learn about Ostrogothic Italy and how they were assimilating and how Justinian left the east open which would haunt Eastern Rome forever makes me not like him as much. Great article. We are in desperate need of heroes and one of the best ways is to become a parent or like you said mentor someone. Peace

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