You might like to check out this story that I cross-posted from another substack. I think it describes a recovered sense of chivalry: https://maryh10000.substack.com/cp/137551243

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Will do! And thanks for posting it here!

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Looking forward to this series. I like the definition as referring to self control. In the modern world, I think there are more examples of people who were led astray by the current culture needing to re-establish chastity. After never having considered it even as a virtue before.

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Aww thanks, I've always considered it akin to that due to how I was raised to be very self-restrained and chaste, my Memere (grandmother) was very firm on this point, and she didn't like where culture was going. She also wanted me to be chaste in spirit, and taught me that this meant to be self-disciplined.

So glad you liked this interpretation of it, going to have to update this series on chivalry soon.

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