May 23Liked by The Brothers Krynn

Fool! You dare insult the mighty Ganon! BEHOLD! TRUE POWER!


Just kidding with you, really enjoyed the article.

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Non, non Mr. Ganon I didn’t mean it! Honest! Jk, really enjoyed you enjoying the article.

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Your definitions of strength vs. might hit the bullseye.

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Thanks, I appreciate your vote of confidence.

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May 23Liked by The Brothers Krynn

Thank you for this Krynn, I really appreciate your Zelda content. I look forward to more!

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Thanks, I love doing Zelda content, and have some Warcraft content planned, along with a Conan one in a few days and a LOTR one for next week.

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May 23Liked by The Brothers Krynn

I look forward to your LOTR content, I haven’t watched Conan though. I look forward to researching Warcraft when I get the chance, I believe it’s a video game, not sure.

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Warcraft is a game, when I say Conan I refer to the book and the short stories by Howard, I recommend those as they are really intelligent and while the movie is good they are better.

As to LOTR, I’ll be sure to try to make it good.

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May 23Liked by The Brothers Krynn

Oh no, I misunderstood. Conan-gate, haha.

Also, I have no doubt the LOTR stuff will be good.

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Merci and np

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