Jan 11Liked by The Brothers Krynn

Yes, poor Jordan Peterson got the Winston Smith treatment....

It is hard to know what to do regarding those that sodomise, control, torture and kill others. For that is often what has happened to them.

We are dealing with this at the moment at the most powerful and the least powerful ends of society. The middle class has generally been purposefully insulated from this horror.

I read an article about a woman that forgave her son's murdered in the courtroom, then when he had done his time in jail, she heard that he couldn't find a place to live. So she found him a job and a place to live in a flat next to her.

My point is that when you have committed heinous crimes or not, when you are at the bottom, if no one offers your any possibility of redemption, you will either give up or continue with what you know.

The paradox is that we need to trust the untrustworthy, and that is a display of kindness that may end badly, but does it matter if you are being true to your higher self?

Another perspective that helped me tie the generational incestuous powerful controlling families in the world with powerless people that commit horrible act as on others was this guy-


"There is no cure. Rehabilitation only applies to good people who circumstantially did evil things. No matter your resolve, how much psychology you apply, or how genuine your motivations are, toast can never be turned back into bread. That's why you must fight evil. That's why you must set aside your misgivings and focus entirely on its destruction wherever you encounter it. It's a zero sum game and the sympathy you feel is not shared by your enemy. Any “evil acts” you may employ against evil men do not make you evil yourself. You'll suffer because you're good and that fortitude to do what must be done will spare others. Because you use the law, it being your means of justice, make certain those laws are the kind that settle the problem."

And this one, if you can stomach it-


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You ask some tough questions and present a good case, I'll check the articles you've presented.

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My "kindness" ends at disrespect. People can "agree to disagree" amicably. Or not. Once the gauntlet of personal attack is thrown, i respond in kind. Whether it be a straight block or written (verbal?) retaliation, it will be done.

Present your argument. Disagree, respectfully, or receive the consequences.

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I'm much the same way, I must confess to having a temper and trying to mitigate it everyday with reason and even philosophy more and more.

But the sort of personal attacks you speak of always annoy me, and I tend to respond in kind, and have as of late. I also cannot stand falsehood, where someone might claim to be 'neutral' or on one 'side' so to speak, only for them to not really be. So totally get where you're coming from Commander.

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Jan 11·edited Jan 11Liked by The Brothers Krynn

Falsehoods must always face resistance. However, no one is ever 100% correct. That is why debate and discourse remain useful. No one has all the answers. But once personal attacks or obvious self-serving rhetoric is introduced into the conversation, it MUST be addressed, directly, for the honesty and integrity of all involved.

I also have a temper, one which i've learned to harness for righteousness and control for the sake of same.

Being Christian has helped me so much to be kinder, but i will NOT tolerate lies from the devil. Sometimes i see wrongly, this is true. We are all fallible beings, but when the personal attacks start, you know who's right and who's wrong - thinking logically and spiritually that is. Brainwashed folk have a WHOLE NEW false paradigm for debate. It's crazy.

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100% true, this is why politeness is so important and respect for the other person, as you rightly pointed out.

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"Tough Love" is a powerful, useful thing, but that also is subject to correct presentation and contextualization.

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