“Anyone who carries the ideals in their hearts carries her in their hearts. Rome, was heir to the Greeks, and was to usher forth some of the finest poetry in history, some of the finest architecture and an ideal of civilisation one could imagine, an ideal of strength and justice that though not always just could prove itself to be for at least a century after Nerva’s death, and that had staying power for nigh on a millennia as something worth fighting for and dying for.”

J’adore ça ! J’ai besoin de lire vos essais passés.

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Merci beaucoup Mme Gluck, j'apprécie tes gentilles paroles, et tes ouvertes à chacun d'entre eux X). Je planifie en écrire davantage dans l'avenir. Et des romans sériales ici sur Substack.

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Thank you for writing on this topic!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Merci, for your kindly words Mme Hawkins, Chivalry is something that means a lot to me (I'm French) and as a man. I plan to keep writing on the topic.

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