Sep 26Liked by The Brothers Krynn

I've never been sure about Crysania. I think she was more devoted to Paladin and thought she could change Raistlin. She might have fallen in love with him, but it wasn't returned, as he left her for dead on his way to better things.

I always thought of the two of them as a tragic tale.

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They are but there’s beauty to their bond haha, but you do raise a good point I stand very much corrected, especially with regards to him leaving her for dead. I meant the love on her end was beautiful.

That said he did return it in the end and died for it.

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Very good article.

I think a large problem in today’s society is that we’ve downplayed the importance of keeping one’s promises in general, whether it comes to vows of marriage which include faithfulness, or even a promise one makes to a friend. Our word is no longer our creed, so to speak. Because of that, marriages falter and break. Being unchaste or unfaithful is only part of the bigger issue, though certainly a major part.

In many ways we grow more and more like Brave New World where lustful gratification takes precedence over the hard work it takes to make a meaningful relationship last. While the rewards for that instant gratification are satisfying, they are short-lived and shallow, sending us once again on the hunt for more.

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Could not agree more. Recently ran into exactly the sort of problem you just described except with work.

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Ugh, I’m sorry. I know how frustrating that can be.

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Oh yeah, thankfully I may have accidentally already fallen into a new possible job

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That’s great! Good luck! May the odds be ever in your favor, lol

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Lol thanks

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