Nov 24, 2023Liked by The Brothers Krynn

English values of putting the people first, of the King as servant and needing to consult with the most educated of men of the realm, and with the barons/those chosen by the people can be seen in the stories where he consults with the likes of Merlin, old hermits/wisemen/wise-women/clergymen and with his Round Table, which includes such good knights as Gawain, Bedivere, Cay and even at times his son Llacheu.

Our world no longer believes in these codes, at least not in the hallowed halls of power, where it's every man for his own pocketbook. Men who care about the liberty for all, rarely exist.

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Absolutely true, it is why these sort of codes need to be upheld and those who shirk it in the halls of power much be treated as our ancestors would treat them.

I can find little to argue with this statement, you are absolutely right mon ami. Thanks for the excellent comment.

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