Sep 15Liked by The Brothers Krynn

Justice is a tricky virtue. It can be taken to extremes, such as the anti-terror laws which net the innocent and the guilty, or a person can be too lenient, in which case, people ignore Justice.

I believe that justice is blind and deaf and is a hard balance to maintain. Justice is more than obeying laws and punishing those who break them. Is it Just for a person to be imprisoned for life for partaking in drugs? In my opinion, no. That person should get treatment and be rehabilitated.

Justice should be, but rarely is, proportional to the crime, and the punishment tempered by mercy.

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True, though anti-terror laws is part of an ideology called ‘Legalism’, which has arguably its roots in the likes of those who killed the Gracchi Brothers and in Asia in Shi Huangdi. Justice though is very different from that.

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