Aug 4Liked by The Brothers Krynn

Bryant said it already damn great essay

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quelle coincidence!!(?)

I've just watched this series, 20 years too late. It's very good and surprisingly historically literate (if not strictly or even nearly accurate).

It's full of diversity but in a good way: its protrayal of urban vibrancy is similar in quantity but different in quality to those found in more recent programs of the same type. On balance--excluding kickasskween exploits of mysterymeat Gaia character towards end of season 2--the message this series conveys is that diversity is a weakness brought about by a corrupt republican elite and that the struggle is to correct it by removing slaves and restoring land and political power to the trVe Roman plebs; Caesar even says something to that effect (echoed by Octavian) early in season 1. Vorenus, with his unwavering old Roman vir and for all his faults, is depicted as the last truly good man in Rome.

Please continue with this series of articles!

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Ouais ça l’ai une coincidence! X)

But ouais, this is a remarkable series and I like the themes you just touched upon; the struggle of slaves vs the freedmen who resented the ‘Great Replacement’ sweeping across Italie. I think maybe in some ways their victory was inevitable if only due to their having much more to lose, so they had to commit 200-300% to the battle ahead, while the slaves lacked the same desperation.

But Caesar & Octavius were superb in this show and while it had its flaws it was still awesome like you said.

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Speaking of literacy...quick search indicates 'vir' should be something like 'virtus'; I know even less Latin than I do French.

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Oh gotcha that is indeed interesting.

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Guys, A great show and a wonderful analysis.

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Merci! Glad you liked it! I’m thinking of releasing another essay, one about Conan, Howard and Texas.

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