The First Book of the Olympnomachi: Table of Contents
Next I'll look into the Glossary of Characters as recommended by Bill Hiatt, still working on this
This series of tales begin long before the Age of Steel of the likes of Seonag, and Sigrún and thousands of years before the rise of Roma, and that of Kemet and Deshret before it.
Long before these ages, yet equally long after the ancient Wars of the Elves and the Dark Queen, when the Dwarves ruled nigh on the whole of the world in a vast Empire, and the Elves had retreated to a single sub-continental Kingdom, War explodes throughout the world. War among the gods, the first in many thousands of years, and one that is destined to tear apart the Olympians, mightiest of the Occidental Pantheons and topple them from their perch atop Mt-Olympos.
This is the start of the first tragedies that came to form the first part of the war that came to be known as the Olympnomachi…
Glossary of Characters:
Olympians: Zeus, King of Olympos
Hera, Queen of Olympos
Hestia, eldest sister of Zeus and goddess of the Hearth
Aphrodite, daughter of Zeus & Dione & goddess of love
Hepheastus, crippled son of Hera & god of the forge
Athene, favourite daughter of Zeus
Ares, son of Hera & Zeus, he is also god of war
Helios, charioteer of the sun-goddess Amaterasu
Poseidon, god of the sea
Amphitrite, Queen to Poseidon
Hermes, messenger of Olympos
Hekate, goddess of witchcraft and keeper of dark secrets
Demeter, goddess of seasons & mother of Persephone
Até, Zeus’ most disobedient illegitimate daughter
Hebe, Hera’s daughter & favourite child
Gods of Erebus: Hades, King of Erebus
Persephone, Queen of Erebus
Melinoë, Princess of Erebus & Eldest daughter of Hades
Macaria/Astrild/Badb, Princess of Erebus, twin of Orcus & wife of Meili
Orcus, Prince of Erebus, only son of Hades & Persephone
Titans: Kronos, Last King of the Titans
Gaea, the earth & mother of Titans
Ouranos, the sky & father of the Titans
Pontus, the sea and brother to Ouranos
Rheia, Queen Dowager of the Titans & mother of Zeus & his 5 older siblings
Tempestas, goddess of the storm
Prometheus, creator of Men
Æsir: Oðin, King of Asgarðr
Freyja, Queen of the Æsir
Tyr, son of Oðin & god of War, foster father of Macaria
Meili, son of Oðin & Freyja
Zisa, daughter of Hulda & Tyr
Vili/Hoenir, younger brother of Oðin
Vé/Loðurr. Youngest brother of Oðin
Heimdall, son of Oðin & guardian of Bifröst
Hermod, messenger of the Æsir & son of Oðin & Freyja
Balðr, heir of Oðin
Ullr, son of Sif & Loki, stepson of Asa-Thor
Eir, goddess of healing & handmaiden of Freyja
Kami: Amaterasu goddess of the sun and Empress of the Kami
Susanowo, god of storms & brother to Amaterasu
Neteru: Amun-Re, the King of the Neteru & god of the sun
Set, Defender of Amun-Re
Isis, sister-wife of Osiris
Osiris, lord of 1/4th of Nifleheimr alongside Hades, Hella and Izanami
Horus the Elder, elder brother to Osiris & Set
Jötunn: Loki, god of trickery & betrayal
Búseyra, Lord of a small domain in Jötunnheimr
Glaumarr, the Demon whom sneaks into Olympos
Ultorvak, an evil Demon Lord
Thlerenon, a Demon-Lord
Kereno, a Demon-Duke
Guildrax, a demonic boatman
Kirror, the crone who guards the Well of Might
Queen Hella, daughter of Loki and Queen of 1/4th of Nifleheimr
Tuatha Dé Danann: Morrigan, goddess of vengeance & justice
Dagda, chief of the Tuatha Dé Danann
Lugh, god of the light of the sun & justice
Cernunnos, the hunter-laird of the Tuatha Dé Danann
Nereids: Thanámi, betrayer of Hestia & Macaria
Thoryvódis, Handmaiden of Hestia
Thanámi, Handmaiden of Hestia
Liviera, Handmaiden of Hestia
Beatrea, Handmaiden of Hestia
Klae, water-spirit of the isle of Creiayos
Arreneia, sister to Klae, mother of Grigoris & wife of Charilaos
Dwarves: Dvalin, greatest of the Dwarf Smiths in history
Brynlyn, wife of Dvalin
Thraïin, son of Brynlyn & Dvalin
Dallin, son of Thraïin
Thréiln, third son of Thraïin
Emperor Drorin XIII, Emperor of the Dwarves
Brundryn, later-day wife of Dvalin
High Elves: Valderian, greatest of the Elvish smiths & friend to Dvalin
Pelunion, brother to Valderian
Cadhranithia, wife of Valderian
Iaunalthess, wife of Pelunion
Thedarian, eldest of Valderian’s sons
Pelulakar, eldest of Pelunion’s sons
Hrúwendis, mother of Valderian & Pelunion
Rylion, second son of Pelunion
Dwinalthas the Long, third son of Pelunion
Balssyr, youngest of the sons’ of Valderian
Aubälion the Mighty, second son of Valderian
Vysdaru, third son of Valderian
Khelvran the Pious, fourth son of Pelunion
Welkior Foul-Heart, fifth son of Pelunion
Dincheon the Gentle, youngest son of Pelunion
Elkaldar the Wise, sworn-brother of Valderian
Talarian, uncle of Pelunion & Valderian
Meglindir, son of Talarian
Veluthiel, wife of Aubälion
Dathoryl, seventh son of Pelunion
Vaelgor, son of Veluthiel & Aubälion
Elhaelios II, the King of the Elves
Velhaïthual, Queen of the Elves
Vylkarn, Lord of the northern fortress of Thôkalla & husband to Cadhranithia’s sister
Devias, servant of Welkior
Dallàthraua, elder daughter of Cadhranithia & Pelunion
Thydalïa, younger daughter of Cadhranithia & Pelunion
Faurëlar, hounds-man of Thôkalla & lover of Dallàthraua
Vauralgius, Duc of the lands of Vauraglian
Namaïlia, daughter of the Lord of Nelvoreth & wife of Welkior
Auvälios, second son of Aubälion
Nadaïria, wife of Auvälios
Klanathror, Prince of the High Elves
Welkion, eldest son of Welkior
Alderius, twin brother to Auvälios
Vauldërion the Bold, third son of Aubälion
Maldthior, fourth son of Aubälion
Audrälior, fifth son of Aubälion
Lodthörn, second son of Welkior
Dinalias, third son of Welkior & sworn-brother to Audrälior
Vilnögr, son of Lodthörn
Qualleria, daughter of Aubälion
Welthära, twin sister of Vilnögr
Thrungalieth, deceased mother of Lodthörn’s children
Keldthran, son of Khelvran the Pious
Keldthor, second son of Khelvran
Valkran, third son of Khelvran
Welkthrin, fourth son of Khelvran
Wilder Elves: Ygonalaus, chief of the Hrímheimr-Elves
Aldraine the Pure, a long deceased maiden of the Elves of the far west of North-Agenor
Dragons: Yrvlonn the Gentle, one of the First Dragons
Tigruns: Akleion, the sell-sword
Vedera, the gentle wife of Akleion
Adeavam, chieftain of Akleion’s tribe
Men of Doria & Aechea: Charilaos, betrayer of Orcus & his First Disciple of Orcus
Grigoris, son of Charilaos, and Second Disciple of Orcus
Men of Ancient Gallia: Llucth or Llute, First King of the Lutetii people
Book 1: The Birth of Melinoë & The Birth of Melinoë Part Deux
Book 2: Melinoë The Most Evil of Olympos' Daughters
Book 3: Of Macaria, daughter of Hades and her Time in Erebus & Asgard
Book 4: The Tragedy of Valderian MacValkerion
Book 5: The Sorrow of Aubälion
Book 6: Of the War of the House of King Elhaelios & the End of Cadhranithia
Book 7: The Fall of Aubälion & Rise of Vauldërion
Book 8: The Stjárgamen Goes West
Book 9: The Journey of Astrild & Zisa for the Well of Might
Book 10: The Chained God & The Cowardly One
Book 11: The Alliances forged by Meili & Zisa
Book 12: The Theft of the Stjárgamen & The Cursed Heroes who Sought it
Book 13: The Curse of the Heirs of Neofytus
Book 14: The War Against Macaria
Expanded Tales:
The Tale of Faurëlar:
Chapter 1: The Tale of Faurëlar and of Dallàthraua
Chapter 2:
Ancient Tales (of Men):
Book 1: The Arrival of Occidental Men
Book 2:
Uh what was that about tearing apart Olympians?