Okay I guess I’m joining in on this trend begun by the delightful
, carried on by the eminent , , , & my compatriot in arms all of whom I have come to adore and admire a great deal. I must confess that through each of them I’ve been introduced to some fantastic worlds I only wish I had had more time to explore, so that among my New Year’s Resolutions is to do just that.Honestly this has been one of the most fraught, one of the most unpleasant but also one of the most life-changing years of my life. This year will remain in my memory as one of the most important for as long as I live.
On the negative it has been horribly traumatizing on some levels, and has left me worst off in some ways. On the otherhand it has been a blessed year as it has changed me, my writing and introduced me to so many so that I feel this sorrow was important and even a good thing to an extent.
This has been the year of the Forging Fire of my life and those of so many, so that it is undeniable that the future will likely hold many more sorrows but we’ll all be stronger, and greater for it. We conquered 2024. We’ll conquer 2025 no matter what.
I’m going to probably follow the format of Man’s essay as he is the MAN after all (lol), and will without further ado plunge on ahead.
The Best of the Best
The Essay that Resonated the Most with me; All Civilizations Need a Great Romance by
I love this essay, and admire Jack Wayne. He’s brilliant, clever and insightful with this essay diving headlong into what matters most in literature.
What matters isn’t a couple of people sipping mochas and discussing the affairs du jour, in 1920s Paris talking about what it means to be a writer. It isn’t about being an author of to-day’s writer, or suddenly seeing in a kind of seizure like way the Grim Reaper coming for you while you have a bath. These stories will never do much more than distract people, they’ve no substance to them.
Great literature is about men and women doing things that matter. Gossip will never matter, yet what does matter is the triumph of Good versus Evil, the achieving of Glory and the battle for Honour. Great accomplishments, great deeds and majestic and heroic action against those who oppose oneself or one’s liege-lord.
Honestly I can’t praise this essay enough, I wrote a follow-up to it but it was nothing compared to Jack’s awesome piece. Seriously please do read it, I plan to read it again as I still think it the best essay I’ve seen hereon Substack thus far in 2024.
The best Podcast of the year goes to;
’s Belles & Beasts.
Honestly I’ve read a few of his articles and listened to his podcast and I freaking love this episode of his. He’s brilliant and ably defends Beauty & the Beast better than anyone else ever has.
His defence and assertion that the whole of the European mission has been the taming of the Beast within through the grace and beauty and forgiveness of Christianity is such an inspiring message that one really doesn’t watch the movie in the same way as before after giving him a listen.
Alexandru is also a deeply human, and kindly fellow (much like Jack Wayne in this regard), one who has quite the sense of humour from what I’ve seen. Do subscribe to him.
The third Essay to highlight; Dinner Date With Sean Connery by
!This one was fascinating to read, it was one that I loved reading and still talk to Dan about. It really amazed me, and filled me with even more admiration for the incredible and warm and lovely Charlotte.
What makes the situation even more incredible is that the way she talks about Sean Connery is that he comes off as a regular guy, with regular interests and with a strong sense of love and commitment to his wife.
To me growing up, he was Draco. I know many loved him in Indiana Jones, or Highlander, or James Bond. But to me he was that wise dragon, passing along wisdom and longing to prove himself a good and true Christian and seeking only to protect others from evil.
And yet, he was also a humorous man prone to funny comments and barbs with a sharp wit, and Charlotte true to the name Pendragon that she shares with King Arthur (a possible ancestor of hers? joking aside…) so that this was a very interesting encounter on her part.
Now as to most popular story and stuff.
Darkspire Conspiracy: A Long Expected Return
Honestly this one proved much more popular than I expected. It appeared for the first time on the 3rd of January, and was an immediate runaway success. So successful was it that I honestly didn’t know what to do so over the course of the year what was meant to be a short quick novel, morphed into a grand story, and one that of course necessitated the finding of a publisher.
This has been done, and at every turn of the way there were friends and readers aplenty offering constant praise. I must admit that it’s success overshadows the rest and it was a piece that saw Man Behind the Screen offer some much needed feedback, that helped improve the story (I’ve the best readers one can hope for! They always pinpoint weaknesses and help find them, and are eager to help improve it).
I wasn’t confident about running a serial at first, honestly I was terrified. Yet since then I’ve gotten more confident and even become grateful for my readers’ patience and heart-warming messages and earnest critiques.
Most Popular Podcast: The Aenean Age discussion with
This was a blast to record, it was mostly John’s show and he proved himself an intelligent, warm and thought-provoking guy.
A fellow Canadian he was honestly kind and sincere in his earnest sorrow for Canada’s dire situation even as he kept an open mind and heart to possible solutions. He remains firm though in his conviction that Canada will remain united and whole and will march into the new age with a shared sense of purpose between French & English speaking Canada. I must admit my own confidence is at times shaky, but the vision he has for Canada is a beautiful one, I hope it turns out like he says it will. His is a kind heart underneath it all and one that I’ve come to appreciate even as I respect his mind and eloquence all the more since then.
My Most Meaningful Accomplishment: Befriending
, I know it is rather sloppy and strange to say. But bonding with Isaac, and getting the chance to chat with him has meant the world to me.
I don’t have a lot of friends irl. Most of those I once knew have moved away or don’t talk much. And yet, there was something in our talk that resonated with me. This podcast meant the world to me and is my proudest accomplishment alongside the completing of Olympnomachi and beginning of Herakles.
I’d be remiss in not mentioning that though not as popular, I liked discussing with my new buddy Isaac Young who is honestly the most brilliant youth his age that I’ve ever had the honour of speaking with so will take the opportunity to recommend this discussion with him, and his Domes’ of Calrathia.
Here’s his Domes story;
I mention Isaac as he’s honestly one of the writers I’ve become the most impressed with and wish to promote as most of his essays and stories have been among the best I’ve read hereon Substack.
Proudest Story of the Year has to be Herakles so far, I love this serial so do check it out;
I’d also like to mention several other names for people to subscribe to who have proven themselves talented and brilliant such as
, and all of them no less brilliant.Most popular essay is one that needs no introduction, it is one I honestly am unsure of what to make of. It was written out of frustration and that I don’t think about much (I often forget about it to be honest).
Now for New Year’s Resolutions; I plan to read more Indie Fiction rather than essays hereon Substack.
It’ll be difficult for me to do as I got into the habit of reading essays. However, I’ve pinpointed the problem, and am already at work to break the habit. I want to be able to do as promised and review
’s awesome fantasy novel, I want to offer up a commentary on a number of books. I’m already at work on my first essay on ’s Lord of Bones Ch 1 (it’ll be ready this week), and I’ve plans for a similar essay for Isaac’s Domes, Therese’s Sword of Myn and for Kathrine’s Last Daughter of Wolves, along with In the Giant’s Shadow by Man Behind the Screen (seriously buy all their books, they rock!) and to also tackle Redd & Ian’s works.All this while we’ll do some of our regular content, including continuing our prior podcasts with
and (stay tuned for those!).Dan & I have been blessed with a large platform now for the first time in our lives. So that we can actually do something for others, and we’re resolved to do just that.
Indeed, from the bottom of my heart, I wish you all the best in the new year. Just keep up the great stories and analysis. It is always a pleasure to read your articles. Greetings from Croatia and God bless you
I’m so glad that you will have some good memories from 2024, even in the midst of everything else! I’ll be praying that 2025 is a better year for everyone. This was actually a pretty rough year for me in its own way, but I think it’s setting me up for 2025 being better, or at least I hope so! I hope that it will be the same for you.